You’ve had a stroke… now what?

Having a stroke is a life-changing event. First and foremost, you must find out what actually caused you to have a stroke. Talk with your doctors or have your spouse , friend, or significant other do this for you. This is imperative, because you don’t want to have another one, and possibly die or become even more impaired. The next step is to determine what you can do to overcome this new adversity. You will probably have to spend some time in a hospital to recover, have tests done, and then start therapy.

Pray and decide you are going to be an overcomer, with God’s guidance and help. Embrace your team— your spouse (or significant other), your doctors, therapists , pastor/ church and your friends and family. If you don’t have many friends, make some. Be a teachable person. You aren’t going to get through this on your own. You will need a lot of help to have the physical and mental energy to persevere. Your recovery will likely be the fight of your entire life!

In fact, get ready to become the new you, someone who is stronger than before the stroke. You will be surprised what you can accomplish. Believe in yourself and that God created you in His image and that He has promised to never leave you or forsake you.

It is very important that you keep a positive attitude, regardless of how frustrated you feel. Some progress will come quickly, but mostly it will be slow, day by day. Celebrate even the small victories — like doing things for the first time since the stroke. The first time standing, walking, moving a finger, saying a word correctly, writing your name, etc. can be very motivating and build your spirit. Challenge yourself to do something new each day, and keep a journal. Focus on what is going right; not what is wrong.

Attending a stroke survivor support group can be a great way to make new friends and stay encouraged. Think of yourself as someone to encourage others who are going through a similar challenge. By doing this you will have purpose and be encouraged yourself.

Remember, you’re an overcomer, blessed by God!

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