Strokes and Golf

The word stroke used to bring thoughts of golf to my mind. A few years ago (2014), it has taken on an entirely new meaning. Now when I hear that word, I think of possible death, loss of function, paralysis , wheelchairs, helplessness, disability, loss of income and work. A stroke can cause a boatload of problems. So life is like golf; the objective is to have the fewest number of strokes, and practice good lifestyle choices, like practicing good mechanics in your golf swing.

As you read my story of my two stroke experiences, you will learn about how I had two entirely different outcomes and why. It was time, because for the first stroke I got to the hospital immediately for treatment and avoided being disabled. The second stroke I was on the floor for 16 hours before I was found and ended up being paralyzed on my entire left side. I couldn’t walk or use my left arm or left hand, and nearly died.

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